Helens reworking of a beloved poem especially for David

2015 September 25

Created by Jan 8 years ago
A poem based on the 1932 poem by Mary Elizabeth Frye

Do not stand in Greenwich Park and weep
I am not there
I am the double espresso in Costa Coffee
I am the flickering cursor on your screen as you type
I am the warm seas of the Caribbean as you scuba dive
I am the book you read on the train as you travel to work
I am my children and grand children’s tears of joy and laughter
I am the hugs and kisses from my two sisters
I am Barry’s brother
I am your Wing Commander
And, forgive me but most important of all, I am the the twinkle in Jan’s smile.
Do not stand in Greenwich Park and cry
Memories of me will never die
Do not stand in Greenwich Park and weep
I am with Leigh, we are yours to keep

Leigh was Davids eldest daughter taken from us by breast cancer 15/10/06. Half of Davids ashes will be placed on her grave and the other half below the statue of General Wolfe in Greenwich Park as requested by David. As a child he played there on the Meridian line with his beloved sister Clare.