Is she there yet?

2016 December 04

Created by Jan 8 years ago
Everyone tells me Daisy will be with her daddy, sitting on his knee having cuddles. I hope that's true. She need not be scared now that's she's with you. Jacqui is my angel. Daisy will tell you all about her I'm sure between singing!
Visited the lovely Ribbins yesterday. They're fighting the cancer demon again and Peter is so scared he's going to lose his darling. He knows how I feel exactly. I hope I helped to cheer them up - never as good as you my darling. You were the king of stories, the prince of laughter and the perfect one to boost people's spirits. I pale in comparison. Poor Ewa and Marcin are also fighting their own demon. I think Ewa will waste away if she loses Johanna. I hope if there's a divine helper he throws some luck their way.
Putting up your Christmas tree. Seems silly but the boys did outside and I don't want to let the side down! Missing you my darling. So very sad without you and our little singer Daisy. POW