Jan 9th August 2016

I don't know how much longer I can do this. It's so boring this life without you. I ache to talk to you. Just a little chat just a minute. There's no one like you no one at all. I'm floundering. It's Teddys birthday. Remember when we were happy bringing her home and playing with 'who stamped through the water bowl then?' She was so funny. Such a cutey - still is. We all miss you so much darling. I'm fed up of doing it all by myself. Love you. It's 334 days and life's a bitch without you making it lovely for us. I'm going backwards - I just can't stop crying again. I want to tell you stuff - I want you to be outside sitting sunning yourself like you do in the summer. My Perma-tan man. My darling I'm useless without you.