In reflective mood after scattering Davids ashes yesterday. Missing you??

Created by Jan 9 years ago

The voices of your whisper
The images of your memory
The Music of your Laugh
The Portrait of your Smile
Are dancing on my Mind

The Love
The Warmth of your Breath
The Sensation of your Touch
The Presence of your Absence
Are my desire

The Knowledge of your Mind
The Irony of your Jokes
The Desire to reach your Dream
A Fighter
Are my Qualification

But that man is slip away
Cease to exist
Memories keep repeating

The night is silence
But your voice is shouting
My mind reminiscing
Your love is lacking

The night is cold
Longing of your arms
I need your heat
And your gone

The dawn is immenent
I'm dreaming of you
My eyes are crying
I'm missing you

The gleam of sunrise
Touching my face
The heat on my skin
Like the touch of your hand

The sun is born again once more
New expectation, new hope
Expecting you missing me
Hoping to see you
Jhunmar Simila