Copy of my thoughts to Katie who lost her dad just after you left darling.

Created by Jan 8 years ago
You know how I empathise and understand and every move forward out of the despair into a new life without that special wonderful person, seems like a betrayal to their memory. But it's all part of our experience of life. We're only here once and none of it is a rehearsal. Of course we carry them with us, sometimes they help by lifting our hearts and carrying them gently guiding us and other times they weigh heavily reminding us of our wonderful memories. But life does go on and we must find new challenges and stop feeling guilty for having new memories and experiences. We were so very lucky to have had them for however long we did and celebrate their journey, though it ended too soon, and carry on with our own journey with them in our loving hearts. Any time I think of David I write on his website

I find it so therapeutic. Bless you Katie.